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    CRC Chemical Dictionaries allow you to search an extensive database of chemical compounds by name, physical property, structure and more. This documentation will guide you through getting the most from this Chemical Dictionary, including:

    • Search for any chemical compound by name, property or structure
    • View a fully customisable search result list - add any available property to the search results and sort the result list
    • View a full entry of the compound, including structure
    • Export search results
    • Save searches for future use

    Take a tour of the features by clicking on the tabs above or just jump to the section you need.

    Structure Draw
    Import a structure from a file or paste an InChI, SMILES or SMARTS
    Select from the following file types: cdx, cdxml, cml, csmol, csrdf, csrgf, cssdf, cube, cxsmiles, inchi, mol, mol2, mrv, pdb, rdf, rgf, sdf, smarts, smiles, xyz

    Select File

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    This is replaced with text from the script
    This is replaced with text from the script
    Top Notification Bar Dialog Header
    Property Descriptions
    1H NMR
    Units: ppm, relative to TMS
    13C NMR
    Units: ppm, relative to TMS
    All Entries
    This field enables you to select all of the entries in the database. If you wish to retrieve all of the entries, type y in the search box.
    Boiling Point
    Units: °C, at 760 mmHg
    CAS Registry Nos.
    CAS number of a compound
    Chemical Name
    CRC Number
    Unique ID for the compound in CRC Chemical Dictionaries.
    Units: g cm-3, temperature in °C
    Dielectric Constant
    At temperature in °C.
    Dipole Moment
    Units: D
    Enthalpy of Fusion
    Units: kJ mol-1
    Enthalpy of Vaporization
    Units: kJ mol-1, at boiling point
    Flash Point
    Units: °C
    IR Peak
    Search for a peak value or range in cm-1
    Magnetic Susceptibility
    Units: 10-6 cm3 mol-1
    Mass Spectral Peak
    Search for peak value or range. Results show peak values and relative initensities.
    Melting Point
    Units: °C
    Molecular Formula
    Molecular Formula by Element
    Molecular Weight
    Raman Peak
    Search for a peak value or range in cm-1
    Refractive Index
    Values at 589 nm
    Threshold Limit Value (STEL)
    Units: ppm. Short-term Exposure Limit.
    Threshold Limit Value (TWA)
    Units: ppm. Time-weighted Average.
    UV Peaks
    Search for a peak value or range in nm. Results show peaks (in nm) and molar absorption coefficients (in L mol-1 cm-1)
    Vapor Pressure
    Units: kPa, at 25 °C